Engage your parents and other family members to find a suitable match for marriage in the Kamma community

Engaging your parents and other family members in finding a suitable bride or groom for you in the Kamma community is an essential step in the matrimony process. Here are some ways to involve them in the process: Communicate your preferences Start by communicating your preferences clearly to your parents and other family members. Let…

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Find Your Ideal Life Partner for Kamma Matrimony Through Family Members or Neighbours

Finding an ideal life partner is an essential part of Kamma Matrimony, and families often play a significant role in helping their children find the right match. Here are some steps to find your ideal life partner through family members or neighbors: Discuss your preferences Start by discussing your preferences with your family members or…

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Why do the people from the Kamma community don’t get married during the Chaturmas

The Kamma community is known for its rich cultural heritage and unique customs and traditions. One such tradition is the avoidance of marriage during the Chaturmas period. Chaturmas, which means “four months,” is a period of four months during the monsoon season when many Hindus practice austerity, penance, and introspection. In this article, we will…

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